Songs of The Dixie Chicks and Canada’s Tribute to ABBA
Saturday, June 22
7:30 pm (Doors: 7 pm)
First five rows: $40 ($45 at the door)
Rows F-O: $30 ($35 at the door)
General Admission: $20 ($25 at the door)

A ticket to the ARRIVAL/GASLIGHTER concert includes FREE admission to the festival after 5 PM. The arena with the vendors closes at 6:30 PM and reopens at 7 PM for seating. The beer garden will be open with beverages and snacks and the Scandinavian Café of Vancouver, Washington, will cater a Scandinavian Buffet in the Exhibit Hall from 4 – 7 PM. This show sold out in 2022. Get your tickets soon.
“Gaslighter” is the name of the 8th album by the group formerly known as the Dixie Chicks and is also the name of the Canadian tribute band to the Chicks. The Chicks were one of the best performing all female groups of all times. GASLIGHTER will take the audience into the heart of the Chick’s adventurous spirit and musical artistry. Shannon Saunders on fiddle, mandolin, and backing vocals; Tracy Em on lead vocals and acoustic guitar; and Emily Ashcroft on guitar, banjo, dobro, and backing vocals will be joined by a four-piece back-up band. The talented women capture not only the look of the Chicks, but also their attitude, harmonies, and musical prowess. GASLIGHTER will perform the first half of the special concert on Saturday night of the Midsummer Festival.
ARRIVAL, Canada’s Tribute to ABBA, will perform the second half of the concert on June 22. They return to the Midsummer Festival for the fourth time and there will be dancing in the aisles! This authentic sounding six-piece tribute band to ABBA includes seasoned professional musicians who will thrill us again with favorites like Dancing Queen; Money, Money, Money, The Winner Takes it All, and Mama Mia. The 2022 ARRIVAL concert was standing room only. You won’t want to miss the fun listening to Scandinavia’s all-time hit band’s tunes.

GASLIGHTER and ARRIVAL will perform at 7:30 on Saturday, June 22. Doors open at 7 PM. A separate ticket is required for this event. This event takes place INDOORS in the arena. Reserve seats are chairs. General Admission is bleachers.
Clatsop County Fairgrounds Arena is located at 92937 Walluski Loop in Astoria. Will call tickets will be available for pickup at the venue before the show. Doors open at 7 PM. Online ticket sales stop at 12:00 AM, on Thursday, June 17th. Tickets will then be available at the door to the event, but prices increase. A separate ticket is required for this event.